Monday 25 February 2013

Red bull Ad

The message that this ad conveys is that if you try hard enough that you will get there in the end, it also showcases the people that red bull have sponsored to get them where they are to day.  This is shown thought varies techniques, and cinematography to create this inspiriting ad.

In the use of Mise En Scene there is not really any acting at all in the advertisement although there are props shown in 0.03s where there is a close up of a white male that is slightly out of focused, also the prop is the basketball. This conveys that he plays the game and by the context of the ad he is pro. The shot is also slightly overexposed and the lighting is coming from the left hand side.
Another example of props in the ad is 0.08 where the prop is a skateboard; they also use a jump cut in that scene. The setting is another important element in this ad some examples of setting in the ad is in 0.12. Where the setting is a park, there are people walk, sitting and lying in the back – drop. In the four-ground there is a young African American man who is in slow motion twisting though the air.
An example of lighting is 0.22 where the only form of lighting is backlighting which is coming though a door way which gives the man standing in the middle of the door a sense of important.

Cinematography is greatly used in shots like 0.04 where the camera is focused to show depth by the way that it is focused on the middle pillar also the camera is positioned on the floor of the scene. There is also an example of exposure, camera movement and position in shot 0.23s. The shot is under exposure to show where the person came from. The only lighting in this shot is the tow lights above the giant eyes on the wall is a very clever way of making the person look small. The camera is moving with the person. Also the camera is position slightly angled downward to again make the person look small and worth noting. The speed of which the man/camera is moving gives the feeling of trying to get somewhere with speed.

Editing in the ad has been used throughout the use in various ways. The cuts have been done slightly fast during the ad, so that the viewer feels like they are ‘living in the fast lane’; although some cuts are faster than others. An example of the really fast cuts are 0.26 – 0.31 to show they intensity of the musical performance. The ad also uses a lot of jump cuts they are mainly used in two different ways. The first way is at 0.23 there is a man walking bristly in a dark ally then just one jump cut is used to show the same man on a stage performing to thousands. The other way that they have used jump cuts is at 0.44 where one man starts a back flip and then it jumps to another man in a different place finishing where the first man left off. The rhythm of the ad is mostly the same, but in same places the beat does quicken and slow.

The sound track though the ad is mostly the same song but with some dialogue at the beginning of the ad. The song matches up with what is going on in the ad and example of this is at 0.16 – 0.24 with the word “I’m on my way, I’m on” which matches up with people ‘on their way’ to the top of their profession.

So overall this ad was designed to show people that with a little hard work you too will be on or way too all the need is red bull.

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