Tuesday 5 February 2013

Homework 5-2-13

Image 1

- this image shows an extreme close up of a clip board which as been stamped with "dept. of records". The view gets a of important as it is the only thing in the image.
The clipboard is  on an angle this make the viewer more interesting.

Image 2

- this long shot has a lot of machine in it.
This would make the viewer think that they r in a busy factory
This could be an opening scene or
- There is a lending line going leaning your eye down the hall. This give the viewer a sense of going somewhere

Image 3

This image as a man who is standing off centre and he is holdings watch which give the viewer the knowledge that he is waiting for someone. He is in powerful place as the viewer is looking  up to him he is also lighted in a way that makes is face half light this made him seem powerful and dark.

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