Tuesday 19 February 2013

Quiz answers

1.   acting, setting and lighting

2. A shot is one shot  camara. It is one contrunes peace that is uninterbed

3. An edit is where the editor for example crops the shot to cut off the edge for a backdrop. Or a cut to the next shot

4. If the light is coming for the below the main character it makes the audience feel like the character in powerful.

5. The term back-lighting refers to how much the back ground is light for example if the background had no lighting at all it would convey that the character is in trouble with the wrong people.
The light form the back of the actor to show emotions

6. Frame refers to controliing what the veiwer see

7. The rule of thirds helps photographs place items in the shot so that the viewer would see other things first to other things.

8. Overexpose can be use to convey a extreme heat or cold weather.

9. The effect that an underexposed shot gives is of the shot being taken at night when really is was taken during the day.

10. If you shoot a character alone with a high angles shot ( which mean you will be looking down on them) it would make them look small and weak, but ifbyou shoot the same character from an low angle shot ( meaning you would be looking up to them) they would look powerful and large.

11. A canted shot is mostly use to give the audience a sense of the black out with mostly the main character.

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