Thursday 14 March 2013

Body paragraph death tree

The video shown in class today entitled hollow tree of death showed a great  use of sound and editing throughout the 4 minutes of it's duration.  The rhythm of the cut was done white slow for a  horror film, however the cut did sped up a little at --------.  The clip being a  genre of horror has to be many genre specific elements  in the clip. such as, a headless horseman, captivated head, creepy isolated woods, blood, skeleton, axe and a gun.
The dialogue during the film  is such as "------------" it is use in a way  a that inhanses the clip to enlighten the viewer to what is happening. Another way the director has improve the group of scenes is the use of music and sound FX.  The  music in the clip could  be described as dramatic  and suspenseful and this adds to the horror genre. The sound in the clip was used in place for the sound of the headless  horse neighing and of the axe cutting the tree.

Monday 11 March 2013


place an aorsomely hot  guy into a dark forest in the middle of not where, with his 2 best friends and one of the best friends hot girl friend. throw into a the mix a dr gone mad who lives in the woods near to were the group is camping. 
have the girlfriend go for a early morning walk and not come back. have the 3 guy go to find her. then get the dr to pick them off one by one. or if you wish for one to survive get him to witness his friends being kill. then some how have him escape into the night!!!!! 

Genre list

Ingredients method
protagonist: (hot, green eyes, abbs)
badass women
under achieve
best friend
brave person

dr gone bad
young child
someone seeking revenge
escaped prisiner
serial killer

helpful info guy
cute child who need protection
person getting killed
party goers
hot jock
hot women
dead people
gorup of best friends

abandoned hotel
gave yards
house (hunted)
ghost town
props/costumes/  disguises
shot gun
pick axe
wood chipper
wood chopper
aorsome car
aorsome clothes

Supernatural elements:

extra elements

Monday 25 February 2013

Red bull Ad

The message that this ad conveys is that if you try hard enough that you will get there in the end, it also showcases the people that red bull have sponsored to get them where they are to day.  This is shown thought varies techniques, and cinematography to create this inspiriting ad.

In the use of Mise En Scene there is not really any acting at all in the advertisement although there are props shown in 0.03s where there is a close up of a white male that is slightly out of focused, also the prop is the basketball. This conveys that he plays the game and by the context of the ad he is pro. The shot is also slightly overexposed and the lighting is coming from the left hand side.
Another example of props in the ad is 0.08 where the prop is a skateboard; they also use a jump cut in that scene. The setting is another important element in this ad some examples of setting in the ad is in 0.12. Where the setting is a park, there are people walk, sitting and lying in the back – drop. In the four-ground there is a young African American man who is in slow motion twisting though the air.
An example of lighting is 0.22 where the only form of lighting is backlighting which is coming though a door way which gives the man standing in the middle of the door a sense of important.

Cinematography is greatly used in shots like 0.04 where the camera is focused to show depth by the way that it is focused on the middle pillar also the camera is positioned on the floor of the scene. There is also an example of exposure, camera movement and position in shot 0.23s. The shot is under exposure to show where the person came from. The only lighting in this shot is the tow lights above the giant eyes on the wall is a very clever way of making the person look small. The camera is moving with the person. Also the camera is position slightly angled downward to again make the person look small and worth noting. The speed of which the man/camera is moving gives the feeling of trying to get somewhere with speed.

Editing in the ad has been used throughout the use in various ways. The cuts have been done slightly fast during the ad, so that the viewer feels like they are ‘living in the fast lane’; although some cuts are faster than others. An example of the really fast cuts are 0.26 – 0.31 to show they intensity of the musical performance. The ad also uses a lot of jump cuts they are mainly used in two different ways. The first way is at 0.23 there is a man walking bristly in a dark ally then just one jump cut is used to show the same man on a stage performing to thousands. The other way that they have used jump cuts is at 0.44 where one man starts a back flip and then it jumps to another man in a different place finishing where the first man left off. The rhythm of the ad is mostly the same, but in same places the beat does quicken and slow.

The sound track though the ad is mostly the same song but with some dialogue at the beginning of the ad. The song matches up with what is going on in the ad and example of this is at 0.16 – 0.24 with the word “I’m on my way, I’m on” which matches up with people ‘on their way’ to the top of their profession.

So overall this ad was designed to show people that with a little hard work you too will be on or way too all the need is red bull.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Movie idea

Idea 1

The main character is always late to class and always has to go to james to get a late slip whichnis very fratstation. she a sreaching of the organisation to get to class on time. She goes to a very shady character and they give the main character a map of the school which shows all the short cuts to class. They character follows it and finds that they read the timetable wrong and they have a different class that morning.

Quiz answers

1.   acting, setting and lighting

2. A shot is one shot  camara. It is one contrunes peace that is uninterbed

3. An edit is where the editor for example crops the shot to cut off the edge for a backdrop. Or a cut to the next shot

4. If the light is coming for the below the main character it makes the audience feel like the character in powerful.

5. The term back-lighting refers to how much the back ground is light for example if the background had no lighting at all it would convey that the character is in trouble with the wrong people.
The light form the back of the actor to show emotions

6. Frame refers to controliing what the veiwer see

7. The rule of thirds helps photographs place items in the shot so that the viewer would see other things first to other things.

8. Overexpose can be use to convey a extreme heat or cold weather.

9. The effect that an underexposed shot gives is of the shot being taken at night when really is was taken during the day.

10. If you shoot a character alone with a high angles shot ( which mean you will be looking down on them) it would make them look small and weak, but ifbyou shoot the same character from an low angle shot ( meaning you would be looking up to them) they would look powerful and large.

11. A canted shot is mostly use to give the audience a sense of the black out with mostly the main character.

Monday 11 February 2013

Movie list

The Shawshank Redemption
Seven Samurai
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Django Unchained
Schindler's List
Leon, the professional
Batman Begins
The Great Escape
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Life of Pi